
I’m a 25-year-old graduate from Copenhagen University and Copenhagen Business School with a masters degree in Intercultural Marketing as well as a bachelors degree in French and English. I’m a self-taught photographer with over 11 years experience.

My professional experience includes work within the food and travel sector, wedding photography as well as taking portrait photos and creating website and social media content for various companies.

Food and travel photography experience:

La Favorita, a Scottish pizza chain

Leckerbaer, a pastry shop in central Copenhagen. One of my photos went on to be published in the Wallpaper Copenhagen Travel Guide.

MedSailors, a skippered sailing company that provides holidays around the Mediterranean. See following blog posts for photos from Greece and Croatia, as well as a specially curated blog post on the restaurants of Antigua.

Sorted Food, a UK-based food blog and YouTube channel. I helped develop their app, Eat, designed to help people find restaurants in different cities around the world. I took photos for them at Ali Bageri, Pico Pizza, Sixteen Twelve, Ssam, Anarki and Gorilla.


Portraits and website content:

The Beauty Spot, a beauty salon in Scotland

MyTaxiMeter, app for predicting taxi fares

Photographer and Content Creator for Emma Go Shoes




CBS’s Responsibility Day organised by PRME


Other photography experience:

Influencer for Coach, luxury handbag brand.

Influencer for Bioderma, a skincare brand.

Influencer for Urtekram, organic food brand.

Influencer for Takeout.dk, a Danish “food portal”, offering delivery services of Copenhagen’s best food.


Publications, competitions and exhibitions:

Wallpaper Copenhagen Travel Guide


Politiken, iByen



Competition organised by Copenhagen University: Visuelle Møder. My photo won first prize.